Version 2023.8.1 contains a number of new features and bug fixes.


  • TekStack2 App - We have a released a new version of our app, called TekStack2. This app is available for preview in your test environment. In this app, we have consolidated the Outbound area into Sales. Configuration access is controlled by security role. The various areas (Marketing, Sales, Delivery, Revenue and Support) only display if you've purchased those modules. In an upcoming release, TekStack2 will become the primary app and TekStack will be deprecated. Additionally, new features will only be added to the TekStack2 app. There is a small amount of configuration necessary to start using TekStack2, primarily assigning users to security roles. If you would like to use the TekStack2 app in production, please contact support.
  • Email Domains Created from Account Website - When an account is created or the website is updated, a new account email domain is automatically created for the website. 
  • Teams and SharePoint Authentication Using an App ID and Secret - There is now an option to authenticate to Teams and SharePoint using an app id and client secret only. Previously, the system required a user identity to connect to Teams and SharePoint. 
  • Allow Price Changes when Co-terminating Opportunities - Previously, when a user co-terminated an opportunity, the system automatically used the product prices on the existing order. With the new release, users can now set the price as they wish. If they choose a difference price than was previously used, a warning message is displayed. For example, imagine you sold 10 subscriptions of product 1 for $100 each on Jan 15, 2020. The current price of product 1 is now $120. If the customer wants to purchase more subscriptions of product 1, the system previously forced the user to use $100 as the price. Now users can use the current price of $120. A warning message will tell the user that previously used price ($100) is different than the current price ($120).
  • Add Products from Multiple Price Lists to Opportunities - Now users can add products from multiple price lists onto an opportunity. The currency of the price list must match the currency of the opportunity. Previously, the system only allowed users to add products from a single price list. Now there is a field to change the price list on the form to add a product to an opportunity.
  • Opportunity Sections - Opportunities now have a free form means to organize products and services to display on a sales quote. Opportunities can have one or more user defined sections. Products associated to the opportunity can be added to a section. This gives users the ability to create tailored quote documents organized how they would like. Previously, the only means to organize products were the products and services groupings. Now users can decide how to group products. For example, if an opportunity contains products and services for multiple customer teams, the user may wish to organize the products by team. Now they can create sections for Team 1 and Team 2 and add the products accordingly. In an upcoming release, we will include a standard quote document that utilizes sections to display information. In the meantime, if you would like to use sections on a quote document, please reach out to support.
  • Partner Deals - We have new features to track partners, register partner deals and convert them to opportunities. Accounts can have an "Other Relationship" of Partner. When an account is updated as a parter, a new tab displays with information about the partner, such as the partner type and partner deals. Partner type is an administator defined lookup where you can choose what type of partner the account is, for example Referral or VAR. Partner deals track pre-opportunities registered from partners. Partners can register a partner deal that includes basic information like the customer name, the customer contact, deal size and description. Typically, partner sales organizations will have a process to accept or reject a partner deal based on various criteria. Partner deals can be accepted and converted to an opportunity with a button click or rejected. Partner deal registration should be offered to your partners through a portal for self service. If you'd like to offer partner deal registration self service to your partners, please contact support. Partner deals are only available in the TekStack2 app.

Outbound Sequencing (formerly SalesSpark/Sales Accelerator)

  • Branding Update - We have updated the branding of Outbound Sequencing. In previous versions, we used a confusing mix of SalesSpark and Sales Accelerator. These names have been replaced with Outbound Sequencing. Sequence Instances are now called Outbound Sequencing Participants, or Participants for short.
  • Consistent Experience - All the forms and grids have been updated to a design and layout consistent with the other parts of TekStack. Previously, there were some areas of Outbound Sequencing that looked or behaved a little differently. 


  • Task and User Story Budget Hours Security - There is now field level security on Task and User Story Budget Hours. There are two new roles, TekStack Budget Hours Viewer gives users read access to the field. All users should be given this role at a minimum to read the field. TekStack Budget Hours Editor permits users to edit the field. This security role should only be provided to Project Managers or Executives.
  • Logging Time Against an Unassigned Task or User Story Assigns the User - When a user logs time against a Task or User Story with no resources assigned, the system automatically assigns the user for the budget hours of the Task/User Story. Previously, the user was assigned, but given a 0 hour assignment. Now, the full budget hours are assigned to the user. 
  • Set/Update Role Prices per Project - When a role is added to a project, the role price for the role is copied from the selected price list to the project. Users can then modify the role price independently from the price list. This allows for unique role pricing per project or to modify a role price partway through a project. Previously, role prices we read from the price list so to create a unique role price for a project, users were forced to create a new price list specific to the project. Role prices are only applicable to Project Tasks with Billing Type = Time & Materials.
  • Recalculate Time & Materials Time Entries - When a user logs time against a Project Task with Billing Type = Time & Materials, the system calculates a sales amount for the time entry equal to role price x duration. If the time is not yet invoiced, users can change the role price and recalculate the sales amount. There is a Recalculate button on the project form to update the sales amount on all time entries with Status Reason not equal Invoiced. Previously, there was no way to update the sales amount on existing time entries in the role price changed.

Bug Fixes

  • 7109 - Survey correspondance visible in timeline
  • 7829 - changing status of closed tasks when closing a project
  • 7145 - NPS widget not calculating properly
  • 7982 - Completing non billing milestone tasks sets Ready for Invoicing
  • 7538 - Dependencies not deleted when deleting a project task
  • 7955 - Changing ownership of account changes ownership of opportunities
  • 7775 - Can't delete a price list
  • 7831 - Product price name field character count
  • 7915 - Custom status reasons don't show on the project Gantt grid
  • 7828 - Can't discount product to $0
  • 7891 - No email templates for sending invoices