There are two ways to change the rate on a Time and Material project and they apply to different scenarios.

Scenario 1 is that you have established a negotiated price that differs from your typical rate and you will be doing multiple projects with this customer.  In this scenario it is best to create a custom price list for prices on each role.

The second scenario is that you need to update a price for a specific project, this can be done at the project level.

To create a new price list, go the Configure area.
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Select Price Lists and the + icon.
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Complete the required information and click Save.

Add the new rates to the Role Prices area, for further information on creating a price click here.

To change the rate on one project you will need to open the project record and navigate to the Team tab
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Click on Roles and select the role that you will be updating the rate for.
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The role price will default to what is currently in the price list associated with the project, to change it simply modify the Role Price field and click on Save.
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To recalculate the sales amount on the project, or update non-invoiced time entries, click on the Recalculate button in the ribbon.
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