TekStack version 2023.5.23 contains a number of new features and bug fixes.
New Features
Read Only Project Role - There is a new security role in Delivery called "TekStack Project Read Only [04]". Granting users this role will allow them read only access to project data.
Gantt Reordering Improvements - The project Gantt chart does not perform a complete refresh when tasks are added, removed, reordered or moved to a different parent. The Gantt is now faster and smoother to use.
Updated Information in the Gantt - The project Gantt chart now contains additional information in the left-side table. The table now displays the Task Name, Start Date, End Date, Primary Resource, Budget Hours, Actual Hours, Remaining Hours, Percent Complete, Variance and Status.
Enable and Disable Contact email domain validation - There is a new feature to enable and disable contact email domain validation. You must now expressly opt in to use the feature and you can easily turn it off from the TekStack Settings. More information is available in this KB Article.
7797 - Find a Resource Button Not Appearing on Tasks/User Stories
7795 - Invoice Milestone Button Doesn't Work
7787 - JS error when adding a user story to a project
7524 - Time Entry quick create does not behave like the main form create
7653 - Data grid currencies show in Base Currency
7542 - Opportunity Line - On Co-terminate there are some fields editable that should be locked
7538 - Project - Dependencies don't get deleted when you delete a task
7577 - Order lines that are not renewed are not properly expired
7812 - Gantt Chart only shows 250 Tasks
7827 - Reject Time Button - Nothing Occurs