New Features:


Project Manager

  • The messages for ‘Complete Project’, ‘Complete Task’ and ‘Complete User Story’ have been updated to properly reflect what actions will occur when clicking ‘OK'.
  • After completing a Project, Task or User Story the following will occur:
    • Time Entries will be disabled
    • Any Time Entries that were ‘Confirmed’ will be moved to ‘Approved’ status
    • Any Time Entries that were ‘Rejected’ will be locked and not editable
  • We added a ‘Duration’ field to Projects, Tasks and User Stories that displays the number of days budgeted for that item (not including weekends).
    • Example: A Task is set for February 10, 2022 to February 17, 2022. The duration will display 6 days.
  • Time Sheets have been updated to include a daily sum of all Time Entries in Hours.
    • Example: A Project Resource has worked on three different projects and submitted a Time Entry for each on a Monday. Each Time Entry was for 5 hours, so the sum for Monday would be 15.
    • The sum of Hours will be displayed at the bottom of each day and will be static as you scroll through all Time Entries on the Time Sheet.
  • The date fields on the Project Gantt Chart have been unlocked to allow editing the start date of a Task or User Story. This will allow you to reschedule a Task/User Story without having to enter the record to make changes.
  • Creating Templates for Tasks now includes the Project Resource Roles you would want assigned.
  • Redistributing “Budget Hours” for a Task or User Story just got easier. When you add to the “Budget Hours” for a Task, the system will allow you to:
    • Update the Booked Project Resources budget hours automatically.
    • Evenly distribute multiple Booked Project Resources budget hours automatically.
    • Advise you if multiple Booked Project Resources are unevenly distributed based on the increase and direct you to redistribute the hours appropriately.

Project Resources

  • We updated ‘My Work’ when clicking on a Task or User Story to include references to the Project and Task they are associated with. This will make it easier to navigate around the Project.

Time Entry Approvers

  • We updated the ability for a ‘Team’ to be added to a Project so that anyone associated with that Team can approve Time Entries. This allows for a Project Manager/Time Entry Approver that may be on vacation or away, to delegate Time Entry Approval to another individual in their absence.
    • Teams can be configured in the TekStack Settings in the Configuration Area, under Project Classification.
    • A toggle is available called ‘Allow Team Approval’. When set to ‘Yes’ you can add the Team you want associated with approvals.


  • The ‘My Activities Due’ view has been updated with the ‘Regarding’ column for convenience to indicate what the Activity is for.
  • Adding a Primary Contact with email address will automatically update the Account email address.
  • Account health now has a better visual indicator.
  • The Hubsite connection now uses Azure AD apps instead of SharePoint.
  • Columns on the data grid can now be resized. This should make it easier to display information to your liking.

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